Let’s face it – When it comes to time, as business owners we all want more of it! Balancing life and our business is a challenge and a constant battle we have with ourselves.
It can be easy to put off completing tasks that could change our financial future due to lack of time.
For most of us it is easier to focus on the ‘here and now’ and the tasks that could potentially change your financial future go to the back of the queue. This often happens because there is no deadline and no one waiting for the finished project.
Passive income products can change your life.
Why? Because you are no longer trading time for money, this means there is no limit on how much you could earn per day or even per hour. You have heard the phrase earning whilst you sleep – quite honestly is no better feeling!
So how can you find time in your already hectic schedule to complete these projects?
1. Hire an Accountability Online Business Coach
Hiring an accountability coach can change your life when it comes to getting projects finished. You are now accountable to someone with real deadlines. It is amazing how much you can grow your business by sitting down with someone, brainstorming ideas, and then creating a clear plan is just what you need to change ideas into finished chargeable products. You can book in for a no-obligation call with me here.
2. Offer a pre-sale of your product
You already have clients who love everything you are about. You already have clients that are interested in what you have to say, why not announce and publish your exciting news about your new project?
You can offer a pre-sale so your clients can purchase at a cheaper rate ahead of the launch, by making an announcement publicly you have now set yourself a deadline – Congratulations!!
3. Book none negotiable time in your diary
It is impossible to work on your business whilst you are on the school run. Schedule none negotiable time that works for you and your loved ones. Set none negotiable time slots before the week starts and make sure that in your time slots you know exactly what tasks you are working on so you don’t get shiny object syndrome.
4. Batch Similar Tasks Together
Batch all similar tasks together so you can hyperfocus on one similar task. Going from one task to a totally different task is time-consuming and you are more likely to procrastinate.
5. Set Timers for Tasks
Setting timers is a great way to get things done quickly. Set 10, 15 or 20-minute times depending on the task you are working on. Challenge yourself to beat the clock.
6. Delegate tasks you don’t enjoy
One of the most valuable things you can do if your business finances allow is to delegate. At first, the thought of this will make you feel uneasy “but nobody can do it better than me” and I get it, but you need to free up your time and energy focusing on the tasks that you enjoy. Make a list of all the jobs you hate then delegate -you will not regret it.